2009 m. lapkričio 17 d., antradienis


užsimerki staiga
suvokęs, kaip dar toli iki rezultato
atsimerki staiga
suvokęs, kad tikriausiai tas tikslas amžinai liks "už ateinančio kalnelio"

užmiegi staiga
suvokęs, kad yra Tie, kurie mus amžinai ves į priekį:

when I'm at the pearly gates
this will be on my videotape, my videotape
Mephistopheles is just beneath
and he's reaching up to grab me

this is one for the good days
and i have it all here
in red, blue, green
red, blue, green

you are my center
when i spin away
out of control on videotape
on videotape
on videotape
on videotape

this is my way of saying goodbye
because i can't do it face to face
i'm talking to you after it's too late
from my videotape

no matter what happens now
you shouldn't be afraid
because i know today has been the most perfect day i've ever seen.

2 komentarai:

Augustė rašė...

Radiohead...ramybė... melancholija...lapkritis.

Totikė rašė...

po beveik penkerių metų prisiminiau raudonplaukį trenktuolį:>